29 January 2010


I love February....it's my birthday month, Valentine's Day is smack dab in the middle, it's the shortest month of the year and Spring is right around the corner.  I have a couple things up my sleeve next month, but I'd like to let you in on them so you can come on back and check in for all the fun stuff I have planned.

Here are a couple highlights:
  • To pay homage to my former days as an elementary art teacher, I'm going to be posting Clean Mama's MESSY MONDAY - every Monday in February (the 1st, 8th, 15th, and 22nd) I will be doing a fun, semi-messy art project that you can do with your kids.  I'll make sure that the supplies I use are art supplies that (hopefully) you have in your home so you won't have to go out and buy anything.  The projects will be geared to the 2-5 age range, but I will show some modifications for those of you with elementary kids. 
  • I'm going to be working on my craft room during the month of February.  I have a lot of fun, make it yourself projects to share for your craft areas or kid spaces at your home.  I do have to organize my craft closet, so you might be invited to watch that unfold.
  • I've had a lot of inquiries about vitamins and supplements - how to boost immunity while keeping the cost of vitamins economical (yes, it can be done).  I'll be comparing different vitamins from what you might find at Big Box stores and show you that Shaklee's vitamins are close as a cost comparison and far superior in quality.  There will be a Shaklee giveaway wrapped up in the vitamin talk, but  when that happens will be a surprise.  Maybe on my birthday or maybe on Valentine's Day or maybe on Groundhog's Day - check back to see.  
  • I also would like to ask YOU a question....would you be interested in free organizational consultations?  Like, you could send me a picture of a space that you want to organize and I could make some suggestions as a blog post.  I could link back to you and offer tips, tricks, ideas, but most importantly a second opinion.  You could post your before and afters or just take the consultation and run.  Sometimes I feel like we see things one way for so long that we can't move past having things organized a certain way.  Let me know if this interests you in the comment section and if there's interest, I'll give a heads-up beforehand so you can send me pictures.  I think it could be a lot of fun!

Happy weekending and we'll see you here on Monday - it's going to be Messy!


  1. I would be very VERY interested in free organizational consultations!! Erm, if I can get any of my trouble spots neatened up enough to take a picture of so they don't break the camera.... =P

  2. I would love a free organizational consultation. That would be really fun!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).