13 January 2010


Today, I emptied out my kids' linen/bathroom closet.  They don't have much stuff in here, but I wanted to get rid of some kiddie toiletries and put the others in a container.  I like wire shelving for some things, but it's annoying when it comes to toiletries because they just slip through the cracks and they don't stand up nicely.  This is another thing that I've been wanting to get done for about a year and haven't gotten around to doing.  Hopefully this challenge is helping you tackle the to-do's, too. 

Here's what I did:

Step 1: Set timer for 15 minutes

Step 2: Empty closet.

Step 3: Quickly sort into three groups (toss, relocate, and put back into closet.

Step 4: Spray down shelves with Basic H2 (all-purpose formulation) and wipe clean with a rag

Step 5: Organize the space.....

Time's Up!  Throw away toss bag and put your "relocate" items away.


 Wait until you see what I'm working on tomorrow.....


  1. Okay, I'm beginning to see the difference between your cabinets and mine - I have much more STUFF! lol This is clearly an eye-opening experience.

  2. We moved about a year ago from a much smaller townhouse into this house and I got rid of A LOT! Wait until you see my pantry - yikes!

  3. WEll, I got my dresser top posted - and that took longer than I anticipated, but I had a lot of sentimental junk that kept me preoccupied...ugh.

  4. i fell of the pace, but i am back. i am playing catch uo, thanks for the motivation.


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