04 January 2010


Thanks for joining me - I promise that making this small investment of time and energy this month will go a long way this month and year in how you feel about your home.  It's all about small steps, little goals met and a big end result. 

Let's get started, shall we?  (If you haven't read about this challenge, read here and here first.)  I'm going to be doing this right along with you - I might be cleaning a day ahead to be able to have "inspirational" before and after pictures, but I'm cleaning/purging/organizing right along with you.  This Zone Cleaning Event - Playoff Football Style is inspired by football, because,  a.)  I like football, b.) it's playoff football time, and c.) the phrases used for football games work well for me with this game.  Full Disclosure:  I am a Minnesota Vikings fan - there may be a few references to this team during this game - I apologize in advance if you are not a Vikings fan.  

ZONE 1/Week 1:  Bill Paying/Receiving Area and Paper Clutter (in the kitchen)

This is an area of my life that I have always struggled with.  I'm never too excited to sit down and pay bills - it's depressing.  One of my three resolutions is to get on top of this area of my life.  I pay the bills, file the paperwork and I have mostly been operating on an out of sight, out of mind policy.  Papers are filed well, I just don't have a daily system other than a paper pile that I sift through a couple of times a month.  So this week I'm going to TACKLE this OPPONENT in my life.

Here's a picture of my Bill Paying/Receiving Area in our Kitchen:

I will be working in this area all week. 

I am going to break it into four sections (QUARTERS) and work on one quarter Monday-Thursday of this week for a 15 MINUTE PERIOD each day.  I will be setting a timer for 15 minutes, eliminate all distractions (no tv, kids in bed or napping, no computer....) and get to work.  Before I start my timer I'm going to gather a few supplies that I know I'll need so I'm not stopping to get anything (toss bag, relocate bag, rags and Basic H2).

This is my FIRST QUARTER (Monday) cupboard -BEFORE:

Step 1: Set timer for 15 minutes

Step 2: Empty cupboard

Step 3: Quickly sort into three stacks (toss, relocate, and put back into cupboard)
Step 4: Spray down cupboard with Basic H2 (all-purpose formulation) and wipe clean with a rag
Step 5: Arrange the papers to be put back in cupboard

Step 6: Put supplies in new caddy (I purchased this at Target to simplify my bill paying stack) and 13 pocket file folder (also from Target).  There were only a few papers to put in the folder because it's for 2010 bill stubs.

Step7: Organize the space.....
Time's Up!  Throw away toss bag and put your "relocate" items away.


Pretty good, huh?  During the course of this week, the top shelf will have a few friends, but I really like that I can take my little caddy out on a daily basis and file paperwork and do bills.  I have a stack of bills that are ready to be mailed and a stack that I have not gotten to yet.  I also have a letter opener (very handy), a return address stamp, pens & pencils, a bill notebook, some budgeting paperwork, a checkbook, calculator, and I'll add some stamps (I'm currently out).

Hopefully today will be a success for you - we'll see you here tomorrow for the second quarter!  I'd love for you to comment and link up about how today went for you.


  1. Neat! I started yesterday and cleaned the washing machine inside, thank you for the motivation! today probably the pans closet...:)

  2. Whoa...I wish my bill cleaning area looked like your "before" photo!! I'm doing bedrooms this week...gotta head start yesterday...now, to finish and move to the next!

  3. I have to admit I also started yesterday with clening the fridge...I did set a timer and was, somwhow, able to get the fridge cleaned in that 15 minutes (I also mopped the floor afterwards...ughh, I tried to stop, but I just couldn't). I will tackle our pantry later today.

  4. I'm working on my closet..I'll do a post and link up later tonight..

  5. Update: pans closet cleaned inside and out, and tidy in about 12 minutes, moreover I consider this as a workout :-) tomorrow.....kitchen shelf.

  6. WOW! What an ambitious bunch :) Thanks so much for joining in!
    Clean Mama

  7. started my dresser today. Before pics are on my blog today...I will take pics again at the end of the week and you can all see my finished product:) Thanks for the cleaning inspiration!

  8. My first zone is my kitchen. Today I did under the sink. It needed it and I am very pleased with it. I should have taken before and after pictures. Next, for the next two days I will be emptying my cabinets and purging, reorganizing, and wiping out all of them. I will try to get before and after pictures.

  9. I like the file folder and caddy. I usually use the same file system over each year, but the next years papers pile up and I am left with the same senario each year. Plan to purchase a file folder like you have and a caddry. Let's see if I can get my desk in a workable space!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).