01 January 2010


Happy New Year!  Happy Cleaning!  The New Year always brings a chance for a fresh start, a clean slate, and some new resolutions.  This year, I'd like to challenge you (and myself) to tackle cleaning the home in a new way.  Monday, January 4th kicks off the actual "work" of this Clean Mama challenge (description and chance to win a Basic H2 sample here).  Today, sit back with a cup of green tea or a glass of water (if that's one of your resolutions) and come up with four zones in your home that you'd like to work on during the month of January.  Each week you'll tackle a zone for four days (15 minutes each day).  So if your basement is a war zone, maybe you'd like to divide your basement up into four areas and just work on that for the whole month.  Perhaps your pantry looks like a bomb went off in it - work on that the first week - tackle one or two shelves each of the four days.  Maybe your master bathroom hasn't been cleaned in the past month (guests don't go in there right?) so you'll tackle that the second week.  And so on.

Here are the 4 zones that I will be working on for the month of January:

ZONE 1/Week 1:  Bill Paying/Receiving area and Paper clutter (in the kitchen)
ZONE 2/Week 2:  Closets and Cupboards (linen, kids bathroom, 2 kitchen cupboards)
ZONE 3/Week 3:  Kitchen (Pantry and refrigerator/freezer)
ZONE 4/Week 4:  Kids Toy Areas (Bedrooms/family room and living room)

Remember, it's only 15 minutes/day for four days of the week.  We can totally do this!  I'm going to be organizing/cleaning/posting about this Monday-Thursday each week of January.  I am so excited to have you playing along!  Gear up - we're going to be tackling all those areas that we push aside for tomorrow or next week and the hidden areas that are so great to stash stuff in.  This weekend I'm working on de-constructing Christmas at our house and can't wait to have a clean slate to start Zone Cleaning.

Make your plan of attack and I'll see you back here Monday, January 4th!  (I made a nifty little template to help me with the cleaning/organizing for this month - email me if you'd like me to send you one.)


  1. Yayy looking forward to getting started. I am working on my post for Monday. I'm gonna show before and after pics and of course link back to you!!

  2. I am going to do my kitchen (pantry and fridge/freezer) for zone 1 and my master bath for zone 2...haven't yet decided zone 3 or 4, but thinking about our bedroom closet and our kids bathroom for those...still deciding though as I also want to do our laundry room...decisions, decisions...haha.
    Happy New Years!

  3. i am ready. i had to get a bit of a head start so that i would not be overwhelmed. i am ready for monday!

  4. I'm in! This will be awesome to keep me motivated! Thanks!

  5. This is just interesting, I'll try!

  6. Sounds great! Looking forward to it:)

  7. Hmmm... this does sound manageable! I came over via Mama M's blog. I'd love to try this out for one month...

    Who knows, it may be a fun way to incorporate keeping things in their place and organized. I like the idea of giving at least 15 minutes at a time to a certain area...for 4 days and seeing what happens.

    Blessings Aloha!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).