06 January 2010


Are you starting to feel the burn?  Hopefully you are able to work through the pain of this grueling game.  Really, I hope you are starting to feel a sense of accomplishment as you slowly work through a zone in your home.  But, no pain, no gain, right?

THIRD QUARTER (Wednesday) cupboard -BEFORE:

Today I'm still working in my Bill Paying/Receiving Area, but I'm going to obliterate the paperwork in  this cabinet. This cabinet isn't super usable because of  its odd shape and  has two doors that open away from each other.  I'm going to primarily be tossing and filing a lot of this paper clutter.  I plan to  house  household manuals and warranties in this odd-shaped cabinet.  Some of the frequently-used paperwork will be moving over to bill paying/mail receiving cabinet from DAY 1.  Ready?

Step 1: Set timer for 15 minutes

Step 2: Empty cabinet

Step 3: Quickly sort into three stacks (toss, relocate, and put back in cabinet)

Step 4: Spray down drawer with Basic H2 (all-purpose formulation) and wipe clean with a rag

Step 5: Arrange the items that are left (ummm...I guess I had A LOT of junk paperwork and clutter in this cupboard.)

Time's Up!  Throw away toss bag and put your "relocate" items away.  I was done with the cabinet in 15 minutes, but it did take me about 10 more minutes to relocate the other items.  Notice the stack at the bottom of the cabinet - this is a stack of warranties and household packets - any ideas of how to sort them?  I'm thinking a 13 plus pocket folder thingy.  I'll put that on my Target list.  (I decoupaged the clipboard - cute huh?  I talk about that obsession here.)


I saved my largest battle for tomorrow's 4th quarter.  See you here tomorrow!


  1. Liz shared your blog link with me today. What a cool idea! And you are brave taking before pictures. Actually I would be happy if some of my areas looked like your before pics ;-) I am going to use your system and do something about it. Thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I got to my cabinets for yesteerday and today! Last thing for the kitchen is to wipe down the outside. Thanks for the motivation to make it happen! I love my progress.

  3. i am sick for the first time in years, just a cold. but since we are moving we did get some things done. got paperwork done to be on housing list. deep cleaned extra fridge which was gross because my husband used it for soda and bait (for fishing). he also got the top of the fridge and deep freezer cleaned. does it count if he does the work

  4. Found your blog through stacks of clutter...browsing blogs while my hubby tries to hook up the dishwasher. Staying out of his way for a bit. lol.
    I have my warranties in one of those plastic travel files. I'd post you a pic if I knew how. Then each one (washer, dishwasher etc) has it's own file. It probably wouldn't fit in that cabinet, BUT, those shelves are easily adjustable, so just might work for you. Just a suggestion since you asked. lol.
    Thanks for letting me stop by. Cleaning/purging is one of my favourite things to do, so I love looking at blogs in regards to it.

  5. Pam, of course it counts if someone helps! I can't believe how much you got done while fighting a cold!

  6. Amy, thanks for stopping by and for the suggestions. I think that I will somehow try to separate all the warranties and manuals....


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