11 January 2010


Yeah!  You're back for week 2!  For coming back, there's an announcement of 5 out of 15 winners at the end of this post.  Stay with me.

So here we are at WEEK 2/ DAY 1 of my Football Style Zone Cleaning Event.  Hopefully, you have achieved some success and are ready for some more.  My kitchen cabinet today isn't about the before and after "wow factor", it's about the fact that I have been storing cookie cutters in a mixing bowl for almost a year and would like to reclaim said mixing bowl.  I haven't been motivated to do so, but since cookie cutter season is over, I figured now would be a good time.  This cabinet houses teas, steak knives, serving platters and cookie paraphernalia - eclectic mix, but it works in my kitchen.


Step 1: Set timer for 15 minutes

Step 2: Empty cupboard

Step 3: Quickly sort into three groups (toss, relocate, and put back into cupboard)

Step 4: Spray down cupboard with Basic H2 (all-purpose formulation) and wipe clean with a rag

Step 5: Organize the space.....

Time's Up!  Throw away toss bag and put your "relocate" items away.


I was able to relocate my cookie cutters into the Rubbermaid container (already had it) and I put all of my cookie sprinkles and do-dads in a Ziploc container that had been melted a little bit on the bottom.  If you notice on the bottom shelf I have a little bowl with tea bags in it.  If someone comes over I just pull this little bowl out and they can choose their tea from it - better than hauling out boxes of tea.  I created a little more room on the top shelf and brought over a couple of serving pieces from another shelf.  This took me a year to get to and only 15 minutes to complete - ridiculous.

If you entered your email into my drawing for the sample of Shaklee Basic H2, I drew 5 names and those winners are.........Keely Mann, Krystle Poplaski, Beth Hardinger, Mama M., and Sarah Ruch.  Email me your postal addresses and I'll get your samples out to you pronto.  The remaining 10 samples will be given away two more "random" times during the Zone Cleaning Challenge - so link up, encourage, and GET CLEAN!  See you back here tomorrow - put your game face on!


  1. I'll be tackling my dresser in my bedroom later today!

  2. I love it! I'll be trying to finish zone 1 today (pics soon) and will be figuring out zone 2 starting tomorrow!

  3. I have my Zone 1 after pics scheduled to post tomorrow as well as Zone 2 before pics...scary!! Check my blog tomorrow to see the good that has come from your inspiration to get clean!!

  4. Woot-hoot! Can't wait to see pictures!

  5. Yay!! I won!! Thankyou!!!

    I'm putting up my before of my Master bedroom shortly..

    Thanks again for the motivation!

  6. I didn't post my refrigerator before or after pics - sorry - my camera messed up during Zone 1...but it's now working, so Keely has inspired me to do my Master Bedroom. I'm REALLY embarrassed, though - here goes!

  7. today we tackled the girls shoe bucket and the dress up clothes bucket, wow amazing how much we can get rid of


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