22 January 2010


I'm STILL working on the light fixtures in my house - so that'll be my overtime this week.  Today I thought that if you've posted something about Zone Cleaning I'd invite you to leave a link to your blog in the comments so we can all come over to your bloggy house and see what you've been working on.  If you don't have a blog just leave a comment and we can read and imagine how great your zones look. 

Thanks again for participating - just one week left, Team! 


  1. Posted on my blog. I had fun today and cannot wait until tomorrow!!


  2. come check out what I've been working on all week!


  3. I had posted about my hubby's awesome contribution to clean up at our home! I had done our linen closet and turned around and saw Mr. B going through his closet! ...but he said...no photos or post necessary! haha poor guy, I do have to restrain myself from "sharing everything that goes on around our place!"
    ...as a fairly new blogger...I can't help it, but when things happen, my mind tends to respond with this thought... "Hm...that would be great to post about..."

    I love your concept on clean-up and organization!

    Blessings & Aloha!

  4. Went to my mailbox today and saw that I had a letter from you - thank you for your H2! I immediately put it in a spray bottle of water and tried it out (I happened to be doing my Saturday cleaning!). Very nice! Thank you - I love winning stuff!

  5. Glad you like it, Pennie! You are so welcome :)


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).