24 January 2010

When Kids Lose Steam Mid-Project

As you may or may not know, I am an art teacher by trade, but my occupation now is stay-at-home mom.  I have taught at all grade levels kindergarten-12th grade and absolutely loved my job.  One of the best things about teaching at the elementary level was the daily dose of  "art is my favorite".  I guess you could call it daily affirmations.  We'd work on projects for an hour, get messy, learn new things, and I'd send them on their merry way.  It was great.

At my current job, I have two little ones and sometimes they don't want to sit and do art projects for an half an hour, let alone five minutes.  Sometimes we get everything set up and within minutes they want to go play with blocks or trains or pillows.  So what's an art teacher by trade/mom to do?  I don't worry about it and have started putting "just started" projects in zip top bags.  This way when the inspiration strikes again , my littles' project is ready to go and they can work on it for another two minute stint.  So here is our current "we'll work on it later" bag.  Hand-made Valentine theme - red, pink, and white paper and rose pictures.  When the mood strikes again (hopefully before Valentine's Day), it'll be ready .

Hope you're ready for the last week of Zone Cleaning - it's going to be good!  I'm tackling kid zones - some in the kitchen, family room, living room and bedrooms.  Also, I still have one more round of winners to announce so you can look for that too.  (I've already announced 10 winners and have five left for this week.)  See you bright and early tomorrow morning!

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