25 January 2010


Even though the Vikings are done (sob) I will continue my Zone Cleaning - there are other teams in the playoffs :).  With that being said, welcome to the final week of Zone Cleaning - I can't believe how quickly it is going by and how much I was able to accomplish in an hour a week!  I hope those of you that followed along feel the same way.

This week is all about kid zones and today's zone is in the kitchen.  The before is an empty cupboard and drawer.  Today I did some reorganizing and brought kid dishes and silverware into this space.  So I guess it's a reverse zone cleaning, but I think it's worth sharing.  The Nester talked about creating a place for kid dishes - she used a pull-out drawer for plates, bowls and such.  Genius, right?   I decided to create a meal space for my kiddos - they love to help and this is a great way for them to take on a little responsibility for mealtime.


Step 1: Set timer for 15 minutes

Step 2: Empty shelves - already empty.

Step 3: Bring kid dishes and silverware from other cupboards and drawers to this cupboard and drawer.

Step 4: Spray down shelves with Basic H2 (all-purpose formulation) and wipe clean with a rag.

Step 5: Organize the space.....

Time's Up! 

Here's the top drawer - place mats/messy mats and a Rubbermaid divided Toss and Go plate to keep spoons separated from forks/sporks.  I'm going to make place mats for the kids that show where to put their cups, plates, bowls and silverware - maybe next month.  The lower cupboard holds their dishes and divided plates.  On the shelf above their dishes is a couple of cracked mixing bowls that they use to keep their cooking and baking supplies in - I love that they can cook along with me - for real and pretend.

Come back tomorrow for some more kid zones - what are you tackling this week?  Do you have a fun way to encourage independence in the kitchen with your kids?

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