24 February 2010

"New" Closet

Remember this before and after?  I decided to utilize the space on the left-hand side and turn it into a toy closet.  I moved a not used enough bookcase from the office and put toys in small and medium bins that I already had.  I made labels on label sheets (also used here) and cut them to size (if you would like me to send you the document I made for the labels, email me - I'd love to share.).  And now we have a toy closet.  No toys in the living room and just a few toys left in the family room.  This has revolutionized how my kids play.  They are intentional about what they play with and cleaning up is much easier. 
Would you ever consider converting a closet into a toy closet?

Tomorrow I'm announcing a new spring cleaning event for the month of March - come back - your house will thank you!


  1. Great idea! We have bins in my son's room. He houses all the toys (other than my daughter's special toys) because they seem to play up in his room more. I, too, made labels and included a picture for my son who, at the time, couldn't read. Made clean up way easier too!

  2. Ah! Closets are perfect! I would like to have multiple, multiple closets in every room!

    Your closets look great!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    I have something for you...and even if you are an award free blogger or have had this one given to you already...just know that I was thinking of ya! Please come and take a peek at what it is...

  3. would love an email of your labels. great idea! shusted@trinitywired.com


  4. those labels are awesome!! Cleaning out the garage and would love to use them...please send email if you have a chance. amylockwood@cogeco.ca


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).