25 February 2010

Spring Zone Cleaning - every day a little something

Want to spring clean your house but don't know where to start/don't have the time/don't like to clean/need a gentle nudge and a dose of inspiration?  The whole month of March is going to be Spring Zone Cleaning month here - I'm doing it very similarly to my Zone Cleaning Event in January except that I'm going to suggest specific areas to clean five days of every week for the month of March - it's not going to be about before and afters, it's about getting the tasks checked off our lists.  (No blogging on your part is necessary - just work at your own pace.)  You can choose how you clean those five areas each week - maybe you want to do all of them on a Saturday or maybe you'll work on them Monday-Friday right along with me.  It's completely up to you and what works for your schedule, family and your cleaning "style".  By the end of the month you will have completely cleaned your house and kept up with your regular housework and you'll love the results!  Instead of working on one room at a time (traditional spring cleaning), each week I'll suggest five areas to work on, for instance, one day will be baseboards, another day will be half of your windows and so on.  Every task should take 15-30 minutes and by the end of March, your house will be sparkling clean.   Spring Zone Cleaning - every day a little something.  Hopefully this comes at a great time for you - a time when you are wanting to clean your house efficiently, effectively and finally get on top of the daily grime. 

So are you in?  I'd love for you to join me!  I have a great new template for you to follow along with - the first page details what we're Spring Cleaning each week and pages two - four are daily dockets for the month if you'd like to try cleaning the way I do (simple and easy - doable with kids).  There's a little contest involved in the Spring Cleaning Event with three ways to win:  #1: Drop me an email (clean.mama@yahoo.com) and I'll send you a template to print so you can get started.  #2: Grab my Clean Mama button and slap it on your blog.  #3: Sign up to Follow Me - if you already follow me, you can just say that in an entry.  Let me know what you did with separate comments in this post - you have three chances, so feel free to comment 3 times.  You'll be entered in a drawing to win a container of Basic H2 wipes - shipped right to your door.  The drawing will be held some time in the first week of March (the winner will have them to clean their baseboards with and will be so happy) so sign up early and often to be entered in the drawing.  How will I know if you're following along?  Comments - you can leave one every day if you'd like, but I'll also have a weekly progress "temperature" check where you can tell me how it's going.  I'll know if you're following along if you email me for a template.  You'll never know when a contest might appear to reward you for all of your hard work - I do have a couple prizes (from Etsy sellers) up my sleeve this month as well.

What's the Clean Mama Blog going to look like for the month of March?  Lots of home keeping tips and tricks, posts Monday-Friday that detail each day of Spring Zone Cleaning, a few home decorating posts and some Messy Monday kid stuff too.  Sign up to follow me and subscribe to the Clean Mama Blog if you haven't already - this month will be full of useful and fun information.

Tomorrow I'll be posting on Spring Cleaning tools and supplies so we'll all be ready to go March 1st.  


  1. I'm in! I love me a clean house! Just don't necessarily like to clean. But after an episode of hoarders....I think I'll clean.

  2. i am in, we just moved in our house and it is really clean and i would like to keep it that way

  3. I emailed you! Thanks for the template. I just looked at my calendar and realized that after all of this is done, my house is scheduled to get blow-in insulation done, and the letter says it'll make everything dusty. Sigh. BUT--If the decluttering is done, then there will be less to dust in April.

  4. I follow you via google reader.

  5. Thanks for the templates! I am really excited to get started and to finally get my cleaning into a cleaning schedule! - Jennifer

  6. I am definitely following your site, can't wait to see what is next... -Jennifer

  7. Wow I'm so ready for Spring cleaning and getting some pointers...awesome
    God Bless

  8. I need a miracle. Messy yes, dirty no. But it would be nice to have some order to the whole shebang! I'll be emailing for the template.
    Thanks for sharing,
    It's hard to take photos when you're worried about the mess in the background : )
    Take care,

  9. Just added my mug on your followers list : )

  10. Love your blog! I've emailed for the templates as well

  11. I emailed you just a few minutes ago for the template also. Thanks!

  12. Just emailed you and I will be following!

  13. Emailed you for a template!!

  14. I am TOTALLY in. Off to email for the template!

  15. Hi Becky!
    Just emailed you for the template - this should be lots of fun!

  16. It's me again - I've now signed up as an official "follower" (I'm already a subscriber to your great blog).
    Thanks for this really fun event and contest!

  17. Hey Becky, Wow! you are an inspiration to me. I really want to be a clean and organized mom. I like to use the excuse that we live in a small apartment, but the naked truth is I tend to be a little of a pack rat. I hope I can turn over a new leaf with your help. Maria at The Mother Huddle

  18. Following you! Great challenge. One I'll have to try.

  19. Following you!!! lol about the hoarders episode.. that was probably me!

  20. and I'm following you (already)

  21. Started today, yay! So glad to be tackling this a little bit at a time. It would be too overwhelming all at once!

  22. Cannot believe how much dust I wasn't even seeing!

  23. I am following too.

  24. What a great blog! I need direction when dealing with housecleaning..can ALWAYS find an excuse as to why I shouldn't be cleaning..

  25. Have I mentioned that I LOVE THIS?!

  26. I am in! I think this is going to really help! :) Thanks!

  27. I follow by RSS and love it!

  28. I got the template and am so grateful for this! I have tried these wipes and they are GREAT. I'd love to win some!

  29. I'm in! I got the template and am ready to clean. :) I'd LOVE to win the wipes! I love wipes - they make cleaning easy!

  30. I'm already a follower...

  31. emailed you for template!

  32. I've been following along with the template you emailed me! The wipes are awesome, by the way... one of my favorite things in my new starter kit!

  33. Is it too late to join in? Im following! Im adding your button! Im begging for help.....lol

  34. I am already a follower! Love the blog!

  35. I added your button to my blog.

  36. just emailed you to get the template! I can't wait to get this spring cleaning started!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).