26 February 2010

Spring Zone Cleaning - Tools and Supplies

Here are the supplies that I am using for the month of March to spring clean my entire home - this is my virtual cleaning bucket - I'll describe the goods from left to right:

vacuum cleaner (I have this one)
Basic H2 (all-purpose and window/glass formulations)
Basic H2 wipes and/or Germ Off Wipes
Super Microfiber Window Cleaning Cloth
window blind cleaner (you don't need this, I happen to have one)
Extendable Static duster
rags (I like white cotton ones from Target and microfiber cleaning cloths)
bucket (Basic H2 concentrate added to clean large areas)
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers (not shown, I have to pick some up)

If you haven't purchased the Basic H2 concentrate and spray bottles from me, you really should - it's the most effective cleaning product that I have ever used.  So concentrated, thousands of uses and it's eco-friendly and non-toxic.  If you've been looking for ways to clean cheap and green, this is it (it's cheaper that water/vinegar combos).  If you're looking for a better cleaner than you've ever used, you have to try it.  I've had the same bottle (it's in the picture with a 1/4 teaspoon measuring spoon around its neck) for almost two years and it is about half-full - and if you read this blog you know I use it all.the.time.  It costs pennies per spray bottle and you'll get over 400 bottles of all-purpose cleaner out of that one 16 ounce bottle of concentrate.

What do you have in your cleaning bucket?  Are you ready for Spring Zone Cleaning - every day a little something?  Don't forget to spread the Spring Zone Cleaning cheer on your blog by grabbing my button.  Send me an email (clean.mama@yahoo.com) to join in on the fun and I'll send you an awesome four page template that will take us through the whole month of March.  For more information about the Spring Zone Cleaning Event and for three ways to win a container of Basic H2 wipes, go here.

See you back here on Monday - I'll have a Messy Monday post and our first day of Spring Zone Cleaning - every day a little something.  I'm so excited to have you here for Spring Cleaning - thanks for joining in on the fun!

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