06 March 2010

and the winner is......

(chosen by randomnumbergenerator.com) #18 -

Lynn said...
Following you too!
Congrats, Lynn!  Email me at clean.mama@yahoo.com to claim your Basic H2 wipes.

If you didn't win, you can still order from me anytime at my Shaklee site hereAnyone can order from Shaklee, you don't need to become a member.  If you want to become a member - it's a one-time fee of $19.95 and you receive 15% off of everything Shaklee for life - no minimum orders or monthly orders - just order when you need something.  It's a great deal.  If you are interested in Shaklee and have some questions or are curious how much you can really save by switching, I'd love to send you a cost comparison sheet - just email me at clean.mama@yahoo.com and put CC Sheet in the subject and I'll send you one.  The prices are compared with Wal-Mart prices on items like Fantastik, 409, Tide, Windex, and Cascade.  Natural cleaning product companies like Seventh Generation and Clorox GreenWorks are also compared so if you already clean green, you'll be amazed at how much money you can save by switching to Get Clean products.  Converting your home to non-toxic and safe cleaning products can save you lots of money, improve your health and the indoor air quality of your home.  You'd have to spend $3,400 on conventional, ready-to-use products from major national brands to get the same amount of clean in the Get Clean Starter Kit.

How's the Spring Cleaning coming along?  I hope you are feeling like you are working towards a cleaner home and that you are liking the pace.  Next week will be more "intense" at least for me,  among other areas, we're working on my nemesis - window blinds.  If you haven't joined in, but want to, by all means email me for a template and hop on board! 

Come on back tomorrow I'm doing a little sponsor shout-out and giveaway - see you then.

1 comment:

  1. WHOO HOO! Thank you! I sent you an email a little bit ago.


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).