25 March 2010

Garden Journal Printable

Spring appears to have sprung here in the Midwest, but we still have about two more months before anything can go in the ground.  In order to start planning and getting ready for my garden, I made a printable.  I printed a few copies and put them into my Homekeeping Binder.  Now I can plan away.  Here's what it looks like:

I'm going to attach one sheet to a large (9x12) envelope and put my receipts and planting instructions in it - that way if any plants need to go back to the nursery, I don't need to go hunting for the receipt when I head back to return it.  This is what I hope this printable looks like in a couple of months.
 I put the printable in my Clean Mama Printables shop if you're interested.


  1. Here is San Diego, gardening for me started a week ago. I LOVE the idea of keeping everything organized and in reach. It is also easy for husband to keep track of what it growing, what needs harvesting, and what isn't growing properly. Love your printable!

  2. I love your garden journal printable..how can I obtain a copy of it? Great ideas..will have to take a thorough look at all your blogspot tomorrow after I get back from my medical procedure.

  3. I have it in my shop seasonally, Betty819.
    Let me know if you'd like me to re-list.


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