26 March 2010


Today's little bit of something:  wipe down bathroom shelves and drawers

I'm going to pull all of the stuff out of my cabinets, out of my drawers and off of my shelves and give them a quick spritz of Basic H2 all-purpose formulation.  I'll wipe them down with a cotton rag and put all the bathroom stuff back where it belongs.

And then, WE'RE DONE SPRING CLEANING!  Hip, Hip Hooray!  I'd love to hear how you feel this month went for you - is your home cleaner than it was before?  Leave a comment if you'd like to tell me how this worked for you.
Next week I'm going to take you through my Weekly Docket and show you how I clean my home every day of the week.  I do a couple little things each and every day and then I add one larger task to each day of the week and rotate through the week.  I've been cleaning using this method for some time and have strategically tweaked each task and day to keep our house semi-clean every day of the week.  Interested?  I have some quick and effective ways to streamline bathroom cleaning (I can clean 4 full bathrooms in about 15-20 minutes) - that's up first on Monday.  Here's my Weekly Docket from this week:
I'm also linking this up to Kelly's Corner Blog Show Us Your Life - Cleaning Tips.


  1. I can't wait to hear about your weekly docket!

  2. I just found your blog today from Kelly's Korner! I was wondering if you could send my the spring cleaning template. I so need to do this to my house! I can't wait to hear about your docket too. With 4 boys I need all the help & tips for cleaning as I can get! Thanks.


  3. I just completed the Spring Zone Cleaning. The house looks great!

  4. What a great plan....Thanks for the tips..Happy Saturday.....Enjoyed your post....
    Hope you will stop by my place....Tonight I am drawing for three great giveaways.


  5. So glad I found you! I'll be coming back for more. I love this and my house needs it. Bless you!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).