01 March 2010

Messy Monday - Repurposing Wooden Crates

I love the brand Melissa and Doug - they make great puzzles, play food and imaginative play activities.  They also have great packaging - a lot of their products come in wooden crates like these:
This one if from a four pack of wooden puzzles.  I take the puzzles out and put them into Ziploc bags
with a picture of the puzzle - my kids get the puzzle pieces mixed up and this is a good way
for us to keep them separate.
My daughter painted the box herself - I squirted acrylic craft paint (her choice of colors) on the areas to be painted and she painted and spread the paint to cover the crate.

Now she has a divided wooden crate to keep her little treasures. 

This is where my daughter wanted to end the project, but painting her name on the top, gluing down beads and/or sequins will probably be add-ons another day.


  1. Cute!! My 4 year old would love to go to town with some pink paint. I wish I'd thought of that before I got rid of a similar piece. :) Visiting from Kimba's party. :)

  2. My goodness - I have a ton of these and never thought to do anything with them! Great idea!

  3. Nice!!

    I'm hosting a giveaway on my blog - come and check it out!!

  4. Don'tcha just love those Melissa and Doug crates!? My daughter had the magnetic paper doll, and we almost immediately turned the box she came in to a desk organizer for scissors and markers and stuff. We didn't get to paint ours though! The lid decorating will be super fun!


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