01 March 2010


Welcome to the first day of Spring Cleaning here at Clean Mama - if you haven't emailed me (clean.mama@yahoo.com) for a template, please do so...you'll be glad you have it to cross off all of your progress.  If you have no idea what this Spring Cleaning thing is all about, check out this post and follow the directions to be entered in a little contest to win a container of Basic H2 wipes.

Today's little bit of something:  Dust Corners

I'm using my extendable electrostatic duster (seen here) and I'm going to start at the top corners of every room (where the ceiling and walls meet) and then move down to the corners of each room.  (You probably already know this but Dusting 101 "says" that you should dust from the top down so you aren't swirling your dust around.)  I'll be shaking out the duster as I go and  moving quickly - trying not to be distracted by toys scattered and clothes on the floor - I'm moving from one room to the other until I've dusted all the corners of my home. 


  1. Can't wait to get started! Thanks for emailing me! I really like it!

  2. I am so glad that I found you. (I think :)
    Your tips are awesome and I need someone to tell me to go and clean out the hall closet. I am a clean person-kind of a freak about it, but when it comes to places that i can shut or one that needs organizing, I need help! Keep up the great work! Please, stop by and say hello. I am having a giveaway and i love making new friends.

  3. Can't wait to get started! If I wait to tackle it all at once, I'll never do it. But I like how you're breaking it down into small zones each day. I can handle this!

  4. Just finished dusting the corners! Now time to tackle the bathroom! I like the emails as well!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).