15 March 2010


A little "housekeeping" before we get to today's little something.....

* The WINNER of the MeadowWren contest (chosen by randomnumbergenerator.com) is  #14.....
JodyLyn said...
Meadow Wren has so many pretty earrings! I also really like her cross beaded bookmarks.
* Did you enter my Clean Mama Printables contest?
* Messy Monday is coming up later this morning if you are interested - we're printing today!

Today's little bit of something: window sills

Using an all-purpose cleaner (I'm using my Basic H2 wipes) wipe every single window sill in your house.  Don't worry about the casing, just wipe the sill today.  Make sure that the all-purpose cleaner you are using is safe to use on the wood that you have around your windows.  I love Basic H2, because I know that it is perfectly safe to use on all sealed woods.  If I didn't have the Basic H2 wipes to use, I'd spray a little of my Basic H2 on a cotton rag on wipe away the grime and dust.  

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