20 April 2010

Basic H2 in May Issue of Real Simple

I was at my local grocery store on a Sunday (bad idea) and was stuck in line for way too long.  What magazine caught my eye?  Well the one with cleaning on the cover, of course!
So I flipped to the cleaning section and they did some testing and comparisons of different all-purpose cleaners.
Here's when I got really excited and bought the magazine so I could share it with you:
So there you have it....Real Simple Magazine not only likes Basic H2, they also rate it the longest lasting all-purpose cleaner concentrate.  Yeah!  Through April, Shaklee's running a special for Basic H2 - buy the concentrate and get the 3 spray bottles for half price.  Give it a whirl!  You'll be glad you did.


  1. I am doing a review on those products right now! I have to say I am pretty impressed so far!

  2. im a cleaning lady in minnesota, at cleanerb.com, and recently a client of mine said to use this. i used it and INSTANTLY fell in love. thats coming from a pine sol junky. my client also told she had her h2 for 2 years!!! i can't wait to start using this.


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