23 April 2010


This week for my CLEAN IT project, it's my kitchen garbage cans.  Here they are - looking grungy:
I sprayed them with Basic H2 all over and let it sit for a couple minutes.
Then I brought them outside and hosed them down. 
And let them dry off in the sun - a natural germ killer.  Anyone else have a garbage can that needs a little spray-down?


  1. I need to do this with my trash can pronto!

  2. I know I do! My husband always makes fun of me for scrubbing down our trash cans but I like things to be fresh and clean. New follow from New Friend Friday!

  3. I just did that too! I let mine dry outside,but I sprayed Basic G as my final spray.

  4. Just curious where you got your garbage containers. I am looking for something like that for recycling bins. This would be perfect. Thanks.

  5. They came with our house - I've seen something similar at Lowe's. Here's a site with something similar:


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).