29 April 2010

May Day Flowers

Here's a fun little way to celebrate May Day with the kiddlets.  Make flowers, put them on a window sill, give them to a neighbor or a friend.  Or make a traditional May Day basket/cone with a handle and hang them from someone's door, knock, and run.

Here's what you'll need :
  • brightly colored card stock
  • scissors
  • glue
  • pipe cleaners 
  • embellishments (glitter, paper scraps, ribbon scraps, etc.).
Have your child(ren) cut out flower shapes - or, depending on their age, help them cut out flower shapes. 

Cut an x-slit in the middle of the flower and insert a pipe cleaner - bend down and hide the end so there aren't any sharp edges.

Let your child(ren) glue embellishments on the flowers any way that they see fit.
Group the flowers together to make a bouquet and twist pipe cleaner around the middle to hold them together.
Write Happy May Day on the tag or cone or toss some wrapped hard candy in the bottom of the cone for a little treat for a special someone.

1 comment:

  1. Visiting from TGC's New Friend Friday. Nice to meet another crafty mom!


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