27 April 2010

Catch-ALL and Sponsor Giveaway

Contest extended to Monday night!  Contest is closed.
One of my favorite decorating/decluttering tricks is to designate a catch-all in a spot that seems to attract clutter.  Like where keys get tossed, jewelry is taken off, coins collect, etc.  I found this little enamelware bowl at an antique shop awhile ago ($4!).  
We have it on a counter in the kitchen and it traps keys, lip balm, nail clippers, store cards, and anything else until we need them on our way back out the door.

Do you have a catch-all?  Would you like one?  One of my sponsors, Alethia Pottery is giving away 2 catch-all dishes to two lucky readers.   Want to win?  Go to Alethia Pottery's Etsy shop and come back here and tell me what beautiful hand-crafted pottery item is your favorite. For an extra entry, Follow the Clean Mama blog - please put that as an additional entry.  The two winners will get their choice of a mini squared dish or a mini bowl (see that section in Alethia Pottery's shop).  I'll close the contest on Friday Monday night and announce the winner on Saturday Tuesday morning.
This is my favorite mini squared dish - perfect for a catch-all, a spoon rest, a fancy coaster, anything you can think of.
Isn't this mini bowl beautiful?


  1. I love the vase at the etsy shop! It would be perfect in my family room. Great stuff!

  2. I am a Clean Mama follower!! Love your ideas!

  3. I love pottery. and the blue vase in her shop would be perfect catch all for all the pens, crayons and markers that float on (and under) my tables.

  4. I love small square dish 6. Thanks for the chance to win!

  5. I like the blue small bowl set.

  6. i love the small bowl set that is green, brown and cream--how beautiful!

  7. I love the blue mug. It looks like it would be a great mug for a nice big hot chocolate or for a soup bowl.
    Brook H.

  8. I am a "Clean Mama" blog follower

  9. I love all the small square dishes, but I think #8 is my favorite. So pretty!

  10. Oooh, I love the jade color! And I am a follower. : )

  11. I love the shallow bowl, its beautiful... plus blue and green are my favorite colors. It would be lovely to have in my home. I would treasure it.

  12. I really like the soap/lotion dispensers! Very nice! Great giveaway!!

  13. I've had your blog in my favorites for awhile. Love all your tips! I'm an official follower today!

  14. there is a high way here called pottery highway. i swear we counted 100 pottery stores. i am a blog follower

  15. that is a hard choice. i love the bowls but the soap dispensers are nice

  16. My favorite(s) are the serving platter and the oil lamp (It's a tie!) But that kids set is really cute *and affordable* too! I'm gonna keep that in mind for baby gifts!

  17. I LOVE the vase in her etsy shop! It would look great in my living room! Thanks for the great give-away!

  18. I thought I was a follower of your blog already?! I guess I wasn't! So now I officially am!

  19. I love the combination of the blue and the green -thank you for the great give a way

  20. I love the mountain green large vase. Just beautiful!

  21. I follow you! (And you're listed in "Blogs I Love" on the sidebar of my blog, too!)

  22. I love all of the small square dishes!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).