14 April 2010

My Favorite Cleaning Product - Basic H2

*****Giveaway of 5 Basic H2 Samples at the end of this post*****
What's your favorite all-purpose cleaner?  Why do you like it?   Maybe you like it because it disinfects, smells "clean", adds enough liquid to absorb a crusty mess into a paper towel or it was on sale the last time you needed an all-purpose cleaner.  Or maybe you never really gave it much thought. 

I used to have about three different cleaners under each sink.  Kitchen sink:  aerosol spray disinfectant, bleach countertop spray, something that was abrasive, window cleaner and the beloved all-purpose spray.  Bathroom:  aerosol spray disinfectant, mold and mildew remover, something that was abrasive and the beloved all-purpose spray.  I used to think that I needed all those things to effectively clean my home. 

If something is all-purpose, shouldn't it be the only thing in your cabinet?  Why do we need all those other cleaners under our cabinets waiting for little hands to get a hold of.  Seriously, have you read the labels on your cleaning supplies?  Have you ever gotten a headache or lightheaded from cleaning your shower/oven/sink?  When we clean our homes we do it because it makes our homes more inhabitable, but we also do it to keep our families healthy.  But what we do to keep our families healthy is actually poisoning our families. 

If I'm buying an all-purpose cleaner, I want it to be an all-purpose cleaner.  I want it to clean toilets, floors, countertops, stainless steel, my windows, cabinets, mirrors, grill......This brings me to my  absolute favorite cleaning product - Shaklee's Basic H2 Organic Super Cleaning Concentrate.  A couple fun (fun to me) facts: it's non-toxic, has no phosphates, 16 oz. makes 48 gallons of superpowerful cleaner, it's a no-rinse, no-residue, no-streak formula, and there are THOUSANDS of household uses.  You can mix up the concentrate into three separate formulations - window cleaner (less than one cent per 16 oz. spray bottle), all-purpose cleaner (costs 3 cents per 16 oz. spray bottle) and the degreaser (33 cents per 16 oz. spray bottle).   
Think about your all-purpose cleaner - is it helping or hurting your family?  It's a little cleaning product that is either helping you by cleaning your surfaces and keeping you healthier or it's a little thing that could be making you sick.  And you're paying a lot of money for it.  If you're looking for something safe and green, economical (cheaper than vinegar and water), and effective, try Shaklee's Basic H2.  Through April, there's a 50th Anniversary special going on - buy the Basic H2 and get the three spray bottles (to mix up 3 the different cleaners) for half price. 

If you want to try a sample first, leave a comment and I'll draw 5 names randomly on Friday night and announce the winners over the weekend - the 5 winners will get a sample mailed right to their mailbox.


  1. I have always wanted to try this stuff, but I didn't wanna order it, then not like it. I would love a sample!!

  2. Where do you get it? I have never heard of it before I think i use 7th generation or its the green scrubbing bubbles they were both on sale last time i went to the store and cant remember which i bought... thats sad huh haha.

  3. Hi Corina-
    I sell it - click on the link in the post that says "Basic H2 and get the 3 spray bottles" and that takes you to my "store". You'll save a ton of money with it compared to Scrubbing Bubbles and Seventh Gen. Check it out and let me know if you have any other ?s.

  4. a few quick questions... I'm really interested in buying some of these Shaklee products, but have a few concerns.

    how do you sterilize things since this is a basic cleaner?

    how do you tackle soap-scum?

    do you think basic-G is safe? does it replace bleach for sanitizing?

    how do you keep rags from smelling sour? right now i use bleach OR vinegar for this?

    how is Basic H2 different from Basic H? My grandparents used BasicH for every thing. I'm just wondering the difference.


  5. Oh I would love to try this. I was looking at your Shaklee products this last week and wishing I could try before I buy. Thanks for the chance to win a product to try :)

  6. Heather-
    I sterilize/disinfect with Basic G (kitchen,bathrooms)- yes it's SAFE! It's EPA registered as a safe for the environment/people cleaner - virtually no smell either. I also LOVE the Germ Off wipes for quick disinfecting.

    Soap scum - I use a microfiber cloth the Basic G/H2 and that completely removes the soap scum. Super tough spots I use Scour Off Paste.

    Rags - I wash on super hot with Fresh Laundry and Nature Bright. I also let them dry on a hook before they get tossed into the wash basket - I've never had a problem with a sour smell with this method.

    Basic H couldn't be mixed up as a degreaser and window cleaner the way that Basic H2 can. Shaklee used to have separate formulations that you'd buy and now you just need one bottle for everything.

    Any other questions? email me - clean.mama@yahoo.com

  7. I am curious about this product because I've seen you talk about it. It would be nice to have one cleaner.

  8. I am very curious about this product, would love to try a sample before I invest!

  9. Hi Becky,
    Thanks for doing such a great job with your blog. I nominated you for a blog award on my site.
    I appreciate all you share on your blog,

  10. I'd love to try a sample of this, I use an enviro-friendly all purpose cleaner but it doesn't quite to seem to make things as clean as I would like, this may be what I'm looking for
    Kristen@Clever Mamas

  11. thanks, thanks, thanks for answering my questions. You were very helpful!!! Happy day to you.

  12. I would love a sample! I recently got the dishwasher detergent and love it. I am anxious to try the disinfecting wipes also. Thanks.

  13. I would love a sample! Very interested in this product.


  14. I would love to try it. I have been reading about their products.

  15. I just bought it and I LOVE it!!! The best thing I found out about it so far - it took baby poop stains (from a breast fed baby) out of my carpet - I used the degreaser formula. I couldn't believe it! I tried 3 other carpet cleaning products before that! Nothing worked! Basic H2 was the only thing that did the trick!!! LOVE IT!!!

  16. Thanks for sharing, Chanin! That's an awesome save for your carpet!

  17. I would love to try this! I have been thinking about ordering for a while, but have had some questions you can hopefully help me out with. What does becoming a member means? Do you pay the fee once in a lifetime, once in a year? What are the benefits of being a member?

  18. Hi Jenni!
    You don't need to become a member to order Shaklee, but if you do, it's a once-in-a lifetime $19.95 fee and you get 15% off EVERYTHING Shaklee for ever (kind of like a Costco or Sam's membership, but without the renewal). It's a good deal - if you become a member through me you also get Free Shipping with that first order. Any more questions, I'd love for you to email me clean.mama@yahoo.com

  19. I would like a sample. susan @ karrot3333@aol.com

  20. YAY!! My Husband and I are newly weds and are in our first place together. I am becoming slightly obsessive about cleanliness and would LOVE to win some samples!!!

  21. this is a side comment but sorta hits the same thing... how do you get PERMINATE craft paint out of carpet and baby powder(it looks like it blew up but it was my daughters) out of a chair?

  22. The H2 might work on the craft paint. Baby powder - vacuum with a hose attachment.

  23. Love to try a sample before investing in it! :)

  24. yeah the vacuum got most out but theres still alot on it.... but I agree with the sample first mainly cause it seems expenisive

  25. It seems expensive if you just see the price of the bottle - but I've had the SAME bottle for 2 years and am only half-way through it! It's super concentrated - only 3 cents for a bottle of window cleaner is a great deal :)

  26. Does it clean bathrooms really well? Cause our bathroom we wipe down everyday and i clean them once a week( we are muddy people or anything) but i cant get them pretty no matter how hard i scrub and all. thinking of bleaching tomorrow.... but really would it? sorry am i asking to many questions?

  27. HI Corina - You can clean practically anything with it. I love how it works - everywhere in my home - there's a 100% money back guarantee if it doesn't work for you. Feel free to email me at clean.mama@yahoo.com if you have more questions - I'd love to help you out!

  28. Love it! My sister has been looking for Basic H2 product for her cleaning tasks. On my part, I'm mindful of our dirty carpet and rugs at home. Luckily, my husband contacted the best
    carpet cleaners in Portland, Oregon area to do the task since we're both busy with our family business.

    Thanks for sharing the incredible post, Clean Mama! I really enjoyed reading it.

  29. David Eichelberger14 January, 2011 00:36

    I also use detergents to clean the carpet and our sink. Before, household chores are easy for me, but when I had my first baby, it gradually seems that I have a lot of household chores to do every day. Before, I clean my carpet every weekend with my vacuum cleaner or a detergent. But now, I only clean it once a month (sometime even every two months because I keep on forgetting it). Thankfully, my best friend referred carpet cleaners (Bellevue, Washington-based). Their services for carpet cleaning (Bellevue, WA) are truly professional.


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).