15 April 2010


After a good spring cleaning, there can be still be some areas that need a little touching up.  Over the next few weeks I'm going to highlight an area or object(s) to clean - this is in order to motivate myself and hopefully you too!
So this week, it's SMALL APPLIANCES.  Maybe it's just me, but all of a sudden I noticed that all of my small appliances have crusties on them.  YUCK!  So I decided to clean them yesterday.  I took them all out of  the  cupboards and put them on the counters.  I sprayed them all down with Basic H2 - it's non-toxic so it is PERFECT for appliances that come in contact with food.  Let the H2 sit for a minute or two and wipe clean with a super microfiber cleaning cloth.  I also wiped the cords with my cloth - they were gross too.
While the H2 was soaking off the crusties on my small appliances, I started cleaning my coffee pot.  This is the method that I used:
  • one part white vinegar to two parts cold water - run through coffee pot (leave basket in the pot, but take out coffee grounds)
  • dump water/vinegar solution down sink
  • run 3 cycles of plain water through coffee pot
  • wash all coffee parts (that are washable) through the dishwasher
  • spray Basic H2 on coffee machine and wipe clean
I also took apart my toaster to get the crumbs out from the crumb trap.  I didn't know that toasters had these until a few years ago.  Now I know better.  
    Here are a couple before pictures:

     And the CLEAN and SHINY afters:
    Anyone with me?  Want to clean your appliances?

    1 comment:

    1. Your after pictures are beautiful -- so shiny! I cleaned my oven the other day (first time in FOREVER!) but I'll bet my toaster and my microwave could really use a scrub. Thanks for the inspiration.


    I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).