24 May 2010

Messy Monday - Sponge Paint a Flower Garden

Welcome to the 14th Messy Monday - a day to get messy and artsy with our kids!  Here's a simple little spring/summer project with a great finish - sponge paint a flower garden.  Anyone do a Messy Monday project last week?  Link it up in the comments!

Here are a couple fun books to check out from your library for inspiration:

Eric Carle's The Tiny Seed

Gail Gibbons' From Seed to Plant
Lois Ehlert's Waiting for Wings

On to the project...

Read some flower books, go to the greenhouse, and discuss different types of flowers with your child(ren).  Determine what types of flowers your child(ren) want to create.  

Talk about what shapes you'll need to make those flowers - you may want to draw flowers first to get an idea of different shapes you may need.  Using a scissors, cut shapes out of a dry sponge.


Set up supplies.
 Cover table in newspaper, put tempera paint on a cookie sheet for mixing and stamping, set up paintbrushes and water (re-use plastic containers for water cups).

Start with green and yellow paint - let your child(ren) spread the paint on the cookie sheet with a damp paintbrush - make a green-yellow and green.

Choose a shape and press it into the paint and print the grass.
Choose a shape and press it the paint and print the stems - we used clothespins with some shapes for a different application techique.

Choose a shape and press it into the paint for the leaves.

Spread paint for the center of the flowers - choose a shape and press it into the paint for the center of the flowers.

Spread paint for the petals - choose shapes and press it into the paint for the center of the flowers.

Repeat process, change colors, create different types of flowers or the same type of flower.

When the littles are done, they will have created a flower garden of their own - you could also do this on notecards and do a single flower with or without grass - cute!

I'm linking up to some of my favorite parties - check them out!


  1. What an adorable idea!

    Feel free to stop by my blog and check out what I'm working on! http://www.iamalongfortheride.blogspot.com

  2. Fun idea. I'm starting to collect fun ideas to keep the boredom away this summer. Thanks for sharing.

  3. hey becky I wanted to let you know i featured this activity and your plant tips on my blog. thanks so much for the wonderful posts. jameehomemaker.blogspot.com

  4. Thanks for linking up to Tot Tuesdays! What a great idea. The paintings look really neat. I"d love to do this with my son & frame it to keep.

  5. This is a darling project. I linked it up to my Kids Painting post tonight.

    When I worked in a craft store we used sponges for all kinds of stuff, but it's so great to turn the kids loose and let them use their own creativity!


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).