25 May 2010

Quick Clean + Printable Checklist

Some weeks are crazy and I fall behind on my cleaning.  It might be a day behind or a couple days behind, but it adds up and I need to take a some time to catch up on the daily grime.  Or, someone's coming over unexpectedly and the house is a mess (yes, it happens).  I have a little list of things that I do when I need to stay focused and clean up in a hurry.  If you are someone that doesn't like to clean every day (like I do with my Weekly Docket), this might be a great quick clean list for you for one day of the week.
This is what I do:
  • quick declutter (if someone is coming over unexpectedly, some things might need to be stashed in a cupboard or closet - I use a container of some sort - an empty laundry basket or smaller basket - so it's easy to put away later)
  • dust with a dusting mitt or microfiber cloth 
  • wipe down windows and doors (where needed)
  • clean bathroom mirrors (where needed)
  • sweep hard surfaces
  • wash hard floors (where needed)
  • vacuum carpets
  • wipe kitchen counters
  • wipe down bathrooms
  • clean toilets
  • change kitchen towels
  • change bathroom towels
  • fluff sofa pillows
    Here's my Quick Clean Checklist - want one too?  Go here to get one.
    I'd love for you to vote, follow, twitter, and/or facebook me - check out my sidebar!  Thanks!

    I'm linking this up to some fun parties.


    1. THANK YOU! this is just what I needed

    2. Oh My!!1 THANK YOU!! I LOVE your creativity and darling check off lists. This one is exactly what I need for these last few weeks of school! My life is totally topsy turvy with no relief in sight! But I want my home to be at least a little bit orderly and clean--this helps so much!
      You are amazing! I'm so grateful I found your blog!
      And can I just tell you how much I LOVE everything I ordered from Shaklee through you. What amazing products! And I love that I have 3 spray bottles in my bucket that take care of everything--and I don't worry one little bit about what I am breathing in. Love it! And the laundry detergeant, softener, dryersheets, and the powder stuff for extra cleaning-FABULOUS! Dishwasher Detergeant-Super Duper! Everything works so well! Thank you Becky!!
      (and don't even get me started on how much I am enjoying my personalized docket I ordered from your etsy store! Holy Cow! My life is on track!)

    3. Thanks Renee - I am blushing :)

    4. kinda off topic but what is the font you use for your weekly docket? I love it.

      sharonsaad at gmail dot com

    5. Thanks for the printable--that's really helpful!!!

    6. That is a great list. Thank you for linking this up to the link parties.

    7. This is a great one to print! Thanks!
      and Thank you for sharing at last week's Anything Related!

    8. You always amaze me. I've always been a list maker and I adore all your lists. Thanks for linking to We're Organized Wednesday. Sorry I'm so late getting back to everyone but Hubby and I were celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary. Have a beautiful weekend.


    I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).