02 June 2010

Cleaning Routine

I love cleaning - hopefully that doesn't come as a surprise to you, but it wasn't until I came up with a routine for my cleaning that I really began to enjoy the process.  My cleaning routine ebbs and flows - sometimes I'm totally on task and into it and sometimes it's a bit of a struggle.   I have to say that the best thing about my cleaning routine is my weekly docket.  That's what keeps me on track and motivated during the week.  I check off daily tasks and know that I'm accomplishing what needs to be done every day of the week to keep the household running smoothly.  If you need to revamp your cleaning routine and a visual for  your domestic duties, check out my Clean Mama Printables shop -  I have 5 different styles of dockets (look under the docket section), perfect for every cleaning type.

My cleaning routine is a little different every day - I rotate the big jobs through the week and have a few daily tasks that are repeated daily.  

Every day, I:
sweep hard floors - kitchen
wipe counters - kitchen, bathrooms
laundry - at least one load
clutter - clear hot spots (mail, kitchen counters, bathrooms)

On Specific Days of the Week, I clean:
Mondays: Bathrooms
Tuesdays: Dust House

Wednesdays: Vacuum House

Thursdays: Wash Floors

Fridays: Menu Plan and Grocery Shop for the next week

Saturdays: Wash Sheets and Towels

Sundays: just the basics

I love a routine and having a way that I do things.  This is my cleaning routine.  What's yours?


  1. Thanks for sharing! I'm here from the Penny Pinching Party. I'm a FlyBaby, so I'm totally with you on the whole routine thing! The other thing I think really changed the way I feel about cleaning is my attitude...I try to think of it as time blessing my family instead of a horrendous chore to be done. Have a great day...and if you have time you can come vaccuum my house, too!! :)

  2. Yep, I have to have a routine to get everything done :o)

    I came here via Penny Pinching Party. Hope to see you sometimes over at Pittypat Paperie.

  3. Oh my gosh! I am so envious! The only thing I really have a routine for is laundry. I may have to check out your printables to get on track. I don't know if this is a valid excuse, but living in the country and all the outside chores with the animals is tiring! I guess I'm lucky in that I enjoy a clean house, so it's not too much of a chore to accomplish that. Any tips on what to do with all the kids paper they come home with? It ends up in stacks on the island..grrr.

  4. Hi CountryBelle-
    Baskets and bins for the kids' paper - and don't be afraid to toss. Let them keep a few special pieces each year - scan or photograph the rest so you have a record of it.

  5. I love a clean house but I don't enjoy the process of getting it there. Maybe the answer is to have a schedule like yours. I'll give it a whirl. Thanks for the inspiration!

  6. That is a very impressive looking recipe binder. I would love to hear more about it and your menu planning.

  7. Khead44-
    Here's a link to a post about how I made it and a bit about menu planning. Stay tuned, I'm starting a weekly foodie section next week :)


  8. When do you do things like dust and specialty cleaning such as blinds, baseboards, etc...??

  9. that routine I might do in that order... but DAILY! If I have already vacuumed I might as well mop too! & I do 3 loads of laundry a day. Family of 5 and a pug there seems to be no getting around it!

  10. Hi Says Angelle-
    Specialty cleaning I do about 4 times a year - I did a Zone Cleaning Event in January and a Spring Cleaning Event in March - you can look at it in the archives if you are interested :) I'm sure that I'll give it another round later this year too.

  11. I don't have any routine, cleaning or otherwise. I am unemployed and I live alone. I think I could definitely benefit from a routine. I think I'm going to think about this!
    thanks for sharing!

  12. My cleaning routine is when I feel like it, but that's really no fun either. I think I'll give yours a go. Thanks for the motivation! Pam @ Sallygoodin

  13. Wow! You are so organized, I love it!! What is that you use for your hardwood floors? I am using the swiffers wet mop things. So, I have to change it out for every other room; such a pain!! I would love to find something better :)

    Blog hopping from The Girl Creative!

  14. What do you use for your hardwood floors? I am looking for something better :)

    Blog hopping from The Girl Creative!

  15. Emily-
    I love the Bona Mop system for my hardwoods - it's awesome - I also use Basic H2 in a spray bottle for touch ups.

  16. What a fabulous idea. I am a total list person so I love the printables! I have a binder now but it is not as near the cuteness of your lists. TFS these! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase party! I greatly appreciate it! Hope you are having a fabulous week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  17. I only *thought* I was organized! You have really got it together! Thanks for sharing. I'm your newest follower... I am loving this blog! :}

  18. thanks-- i like how you've broken things down. (-:

  19. wow! you are amazing! A true inspiration!


  20. ps your site is now my "go to" for cleaning/organization ideas!


  21. Thanks for sharing. I have a routine too. It help so much, doesn't it. I am a

    Monday: Kitchen
    Tuesday: Dust (which includes the baseboards, fans, and couch...I dust the couch with a dryer sheet. The static cling helps and it leaves a fresh scent.) and Clutter
    Wednesday: Bathrooms
    Thursday: Floors
    Friday: Laundry
    Weekends: Anything that needs to be done: spot cleaning, deep cleaning, organizing...

    Since I am a working mommy I find that having something I do each day helps keep the house clean.

  22. Woooo.. Nice! I also have a complete cleaning set at home. But, to be honest, I don't know how to use them properly. HAHA! =p Lucky for you that you're better in cleaning your home. =]


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