17 June 2010

Prep and Freeze Onions + Chicken Quesadilla Recipe

I love finding new ways to save time in the kitchen.  A great time saver is to prep vegetables ahead of time either for the week to keep in the fridge or to freeze to cook with later.  I bought an enormous bag of Vidalia onions at Costco - if I didn't know that I could freeze them, they probably would have gone bad before I'd had a chance to use them.
Here's what I did - it's super easy:

Get out supplies: cutting board, knife, extra onions, Ziploc bags, bench scraper
Peel onions and cut in half.  One large onions yields about 2 cups of chopped onions, so decide how you want your onions divided up - I did one cup bags.

Cut onions up.  Using a bench scraper, scoop into bags and seal.  I put the little bags into one large bag to keep them all in one place.

Now I have onions cut up the next time a recipe calls for onions.  I also cut up rings of onions and froze them too.  I used the onion rings in my quesadilla recipe below.

Here's my favorite go-to Chicken Quesadilla recipe - it's super easy - add or take out anything that does/doesn't sound good to you.  Even if it sounds weird, try the corn - it adds a really nice sweet flavor to the quesadilla.  Here's the non-recipe:

Gather yummy ingredients.
( Colby-Jack cheese, frozen sweet corn, diced tomatoes, mushrooms, Vidalia onions, leftover chicken breasts, tortillas )

Cut up all ingredients and grate cheese.

Saute onions and mushrooms in a tablespoon of olive oil.
When the onions and mushrooms are soft, add the frozen corn and tomatoes - heat through.

Heat pan and heat quesadilla then add grated cheese and quesadilla fillings.
Flip when the cheese starts to melt and the quesadilla begins to brown.

Remove when both sides of the tortilla are browned.

Cut and serve plain or with salsa, guacamole, and sour cream.
What are your favorite quesadilla fillings?

I'm linking this up to some of my favorite parties.


  1. Lovvvve quesadillas! My favorite are chicken, cheese, tomato, black olives and sweet peppers.

    I also keep onions, bellpeppers, green onions in my freezer. Makes it sooo easy when you are cooking and need any of those items.

  2. I am so going to try this. It looks delish! Stopping by from HOH. :)

  3. What a great idea to freeze onions! I was just reading about doing this with cilantro and I just put my first bag in the freezer this week. I'd love to have onions to add because we always have leftovers.

  4. nice work! We freeze bell peppers, onions, and just about everything else -- it helps so much!

    There are two quesadilla fillings we love:



  5. I'm stopping by from New Friend Friday & am your newest follower.

    If you have a chance, I'd love for you to stop by my blog, follow back and take a moment to enter any of the current 4 giveaways {low entries}.

    Have a great weekend


  6. mmm sounds yummy. I am gonna try it one day next week ;-)


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