30 December 2009

ZONE CLEANING - Playoff Football Style

Starting on January 1st, I'm going to start a month-long kick-off to getting my home in shape for the New Year.  I'll blog about it here and give step-by-step directions on how I'm going to "offensively" get my home ready for the winter.  As you may or may not know, I am a Shaklee Distributor, so I'm going to offer a prize to fifteen people (US only, sorry) that commit to playing this game with me.  I have fifteen samples of Basic H2 to give away - I will draw names of fifteen people that just email me (clean.mama@yahoo.com) and commit to playing along for the whole month of January.   You don't need to blog about it our tweet about it, just play along, it'll be fun.  (Of course if you want to blog about it and tweet about it and link to my site, that's great!)

Here are a few details of what my Zone Cleaning Event will be about:
4 ZONES (this could be closets, pantry, medicine cabinet, kids toys, or entire room, etc.)

Does this sound like something you'd like to try?  Do you need some help tackling those pesky cupboards and closets?  If you need to restock your cleaning arsenal and want to do it in an economical, safe, and streamlined way, check out my Shaklee website (I'm offering free shipping and free memberships with 50 PV).

Here's the gameplan -
Email me at clean.mama@yahoo.com to enter the contest (put Zone Cleaning in the subject line)
January 1st - come back for a few more details
Zone 1 - January 4-10
Zone 2 - January 11-17
Zone 3 - January 18-24
Zone 4 - January 25-31

Ready, set......


  1. Hi! I just found your blog through MckMama's community. I have been on a cleaning rampage this week. I have a son who turned 1 this month and between his birthday and Christmas, our house is overrun with toys. And lets face it, our house beginning to get full of clutter. I do several big purges a year, but it just doesn't seem to help. I have several boxes to go to Goodwill right now.

    I'm also a little crazy about everything being clean now that we have a child. We have all hardwood (solid oak) and tile floors in our house. I am constantly trying to keep them clean. I've been using plain old vinegar and water lately and my husband bought me a steam mop for Christmas.

    I'm very interested in the products that you sell. I've never heard of them before. I'm on a huge mission to find a decent detergent for my dishwasher. Everything plastic has a white film on it and it is driving me crazy. I've used cleaners in the empty dishwasher, rinse agents, you name it. Nothing works. I don't want to and I don't want my son eating off our dishes with that film on them. I'm at the point now that I shopping for a new dishwasher. I'd really like to give your dishwasher detergent a try.

    Sorry to write a book. I'll be getting in touch with you in the near future.

  2. so glad i found you. i just started to discard overly loved clothes. i want to empty out as much of my clutter before the new year as i can. i am sooo happy to join the challenge.

  3. My husband will thank you if I join in this challenge...so, what the heck! I'll give it a shot!

  4. Oooohhh...I'm in..I'll email you asap!

  5. Just e-mailed you. :) I'm in.

  6. I will join, we are moving the first week of Febuary and so I have to be ready for the movers. DH will also be gone 3 weeks in January so I will need the motivation

  7. sounds like a great way to get organized. With 3 boys our house is overflowing with toys, lots of which are missing pieces and/or broken...I need to do some serious cleaning and this will be great inspiration!

  8. tricia, there is a wonderful dishwasher soap recipe on my blog. so cheap and easy. it has cleaned all the grime out of my dishwasher.

  9. Hi Tricia - check out my what's for dinner post (blogger isn't letting me link it up) - I talk about Shaklee's DW detergent. I have used it in 3 separate dishwashers with amazing results.
    Email me at clean.mama@yahoo.com for further info.

  10. I found you by doing a search of "cleaning" on blog frog. I have just started a cleaning game that combine blog frog and twitter. I would love for you to join us! We race against the clock to knock out our to do lists. :-) You can find more info at my website.

    I don't want to put the direct link here because I am not actually trying to advertise, just get like minded people to check into it. ROTFL! Make sense?


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).