12 March 2010


Have you entered my Sponsor, MeadowWren's contest yet?  Contest ends Sunday night - and the prize is your choice of a beautiful pair of earrings.  Check it out here.

Come on back later today - I'll explain my little Etsy shop, Clean Mama Printables on the sidebar - there will be a giveaway.....

And now, on to some Spring Cleaning:
Today's little bit: windows -1st floor or last half of windows

How did you do yesterday?  Were you able to finish washing half of your windows?  This is how I am cleaning windows - how do you clean your windows?  I am so glad that I washed windows yesterday, because I found a little leak/opening in the top of one of our windows that I probably never would have noticed and it was raining, so it could have been ugly.  So I guess this little cleaning gig is a good thing, right?

1 comment:

  1. i did not get windows done because i was preparing for company but will get some done today


I love your comments! If you have a specific question, please feel free to email me (see contact tab).