17 April 2010


Here are the 5 winners of the Basic H2 samples (as chosen by randomnumbergenerator.com):
Erica said...
I would love a sample! Very interested in this product. Thanks
corina said...
Where do you get it? I have never heard of it before I think i use 7th generation or its the green scrubbing bubbles they were both on sale last time i went to the store and cant remember which i bought... thats sad huh haha.
Kristen said... I'd love to try a sample of this, I use an enviro-friendly all purpose cleaner but it doesn't quite to seem to make things as clean as I would like, this may be what I'm looking for
Kristen@Clever Mamas
Heather said...
a few quick questions... I'm really interested in buying some of these Shaklee products, but have a few concerns. how do you sterilize things since this is a basic cleaner? how do you tackle soap-scum? do you think basic-G is safe? does it replace bleach for sanitizing? how do you keep rags from smelling sour? right now i use bleach OR vinegar for this? how is Basic H2 different from Basic H? My grandparents used BasicH for every thing. I'm just wondering the difference. Thanks.

Jen@Scrapingirl said...
I have always wanted to try this stuff, but I didn't wanna order it, then not like it. I would love a sample!!

Winners:  Email your address to me at clean.mama@yahoo.com and I'll get the sample out to you pronto!  If you didn't win, but want to try the world's best (my opinion) and cheapest organic, non-toxic cleaner out there and get a great deal this month, check out this link on my Shaklee site.

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