16 April 2010

Quick Tip

I tend to forget when I've opened up food containers (yogurt, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.)  in the refrigerator.  I'm not the type of person that will taste something to see if it's "still good" - call me crazy.  This is what I do to remedy this potential problem.  I keep a Retractable Sharpie marker by the 'fridge and mark the date containers were opened.  No more throwing food out because it might have gone bad.


  1. What a clever tip. Why didn't I think of this myself. Thank you!

  2. I have a magnetic one that I got online. It has a pen on one side and a permanent marker on the other side. So it sticks to my fridge and is very handy!

  3. I do this too. I got in the habit when I was marking baby food containers.

  4. Fantastic idea. I love it! I've started marking when I open a box of crackers (cuz nothing is worse than stale crackers) and I also mark the year on my canned goods, so I make sure I'm rotating them out. If there's something I rarely use (like yams) I know when it's been hanging around too long and I need to toss it.

  5. So simple, but very practical! I really like the idea of a magnetic one that Susan mentioned.

  6. The magnetic pen came from currentcatalog.com

  7. I do the same thing. Great way to know when cleaning out the fridge what was opened when.


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