26 April 2010

Painted Chairs - Part 2

So last week I went from this:

To this:
I wanted to add a little more to these painted chairs, so I decided to "stencil" numbers on them.  I printed out two numbers:  11 and 28 on plain paper (the dates that my kiddos were born).  
I used my X-acto knife to cut out the numbers. 
Then I carefully placed taped the "stencils" where I want them to go on my chairs.
I used my favorite craft paint in Butter Pecan and carefully painted in the number area of my stencil.

I allowed it to dry for a couple of hours and removed the paper and tape.
And here they are ready for game night in the living room, at the coffee table/puzzle and game storage table.

Looks normal and "adult-ish", right?  Check out the other side:
This is my kind of storage - LOVE IT!
I'm linking this little project up to some of my favorite linky parties - check them out!


  1. I LOVE these! Don't you just love numbers on everything?! I DO.


  2. Those turned out fantastic!

    I have an award for you on my blog.



  3. Cute! I love what the little numbers add to it & that you used the days of their bdays! :)

  4. Love the chairs and that table. I think I might put a number on everything I own. I love numbers. Especially the number 2.

  5. super cute! i bet the kids love them, too!

  6. The numbers are just perfect! Coming over from Somewhat Simple and a happy new follower!


  7. Stopping by from The Girl Creative’s New Friend Friday. I am your newest follower. Love the chairs!

  8. Normal and adultish!! That's fantastic!!!

    The chairs look wonderful. I love that you chose your kids birth dates!

    First time here. Found you from Funky Junk SNS!

  9. I love those chairs and the numbers are so cute on them. Thanks for sharing at 'Look at me, I'm SO Crafty!' at Fun to Craft.


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